ubuntu 14.04 wubi
ubuntu 14.04 wubi

2016年3月5日—Ipurchasedaflash/thumbdrivefromAmazon.ItisUbuntu14.04.364-bit.WhenItrytoinstallitIgettheerrormessageCannotdownload ...,2016年10月15日—Ihaveproblemwithinstallingubuntu14.04onmylaptop(asusx550cc)withWindows7x64viawubi.Afterrunningwubi....



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Install Ubuntu 14.04.3 64

2016年3月5日 — I purchased a flash/thumb drive from Amazon. It is Ubuntu 14.04.3 64-bit. When I try to install it I get the error message Cannot download ...

problem with installing ubuntu 14.04 via wubi

2016年10月15日 — I have problem with installing ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop (asus x550cc) with Windows 7 x64 via wubi. After running wubi.exe as an administrator, ...


2015年6月9日 — It keeps saying that it cannot download the Metalink, therefore the ISO can't be downloaded either. Wubi for 14.04 uses outdated download links.

Ubuntu 14.04 wubi 硬盘安装~ linux小白原创

2015年10月24日 — Ubuntu 14.04 安装wubi. 1.准备 将ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso镜像文件中的继续访问. Linux开发环境搭建与使用——ubuntu物理机安装方法:wubi. 在 ...


2014年4月18日 — The WUBI installer is on the 14.04 ISO and works with windows up to 7. Windows 8 and Windows ME are not supported by WUBI.

Wubi 14.04

Wubi works by installing Ubuntu as a virtual disk image within the Windows filesystem. It creates a loopmounted partition and modifies the Windows bootloader to ...

Wubi 14.04

Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and ...

WUBI 14.04.4 won't run on Windows 7 #9

2016年5月21日 — Hello,. I have Windows 7 SP1 64 Ultimate UEFI: Wersja 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Kompilacja 7601. I downloaded Xubuntu 14.04.4 ISO from:

[Deprecated] Installing Ubuntu 14.04 using WuBi inside ...

If you're running 64-bit windows and have downloaded a x86 Ubuntu then place the WuBi Installer in the root of C:. Open up command prompt and type “C:-wubi.exe ...


2016年3月5日—Ipurchasedaflash/thumbdrivefromAmazon.ItisUbuntu14.04.364-bit.WhenItrytoinstallitIgettheerrormessageCannotdownload ...,2016年10月15日—Ihaveproblemwithinstallingubuntu14.04onmylaptop(asusx550cc)withWindows7x64viawubi.Afterrunningwubi.exeasanadministrator, ...,2015年6月9日—ItkeepssayingthatitcannotdownloadtheMetalink,thereforetheISOcan'tbedownloadedeither.Wubifor14.04usesoutdateddow...